Another piece for the Stars of the Unicorn collection. This one is very different in comparison to the lilac taffeta skirt I showed before. The blouse and accessories for this under bust JSK are in purples, so it'll balance out.
The collection mixes a lot of different fabrics, as well as lighter purples with black. Once I get some full coordinate photo's up I think the concept will be a lot clearer.
The JSK is done in a slightly stretchy cotton sateen, with striped sheer ruffles. The attached underskirt is done in a textured taffeta. The different fabric textures aren't very obvious in this photo, due to the flash. This style of JSK tends to look awkward on a dress form, especially without a blouse.
Theres a detachable taffeta bow with star (it'll be made out of foam so not as flimsy as pictured) as well. I think I'm going to do a head bow with a star (or several) like this as well, but probably mix in the mauve satin from the blouse as well.